Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Blown Away

Yesterday we had a walk-in greenhouse. It consisted of a metal frame covered in a heavy duty plastic shell, which zipped closed. It was tall enough for me to stand inside. It was a bugger to put up as the plastic was a pretty tight fit.

Today we have a frame. The plastic is gone. It isn't ripped or torn & lying in the garden. Or in next door's garden. Or down the road. No bits of plastic lying around. It's gone. Vanished. Disappeared without a trace.

The gale-force winds we had last night have taken it.

How the hell they managed to do so without any damage to the frame is a mystery. How it managed to vanish without a trace is also a mystery. If you hear any rumours of a UFO being seen in England it'll be our greenhouse, flying along like a Zeppelin!!


E, mate, blimey - don't start apologising because I check a few sites! I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it. I'd check them anyway, looking for new stuff to read. OK - I probably wouldn't check all these fandoms, I'd probably limit my searches to my favourite fandoms, but I'd still poke about looking for things, just in case I found a new fandom to like.


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