Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

It's Halloween here in the US and I've got to pump myself up to walk the neighborhood with Cal. I'd rather crawl into bed and read but I'm going to follow Walter White/Heisenberg as he goes from house to house asking for candy. Maybe an infusion of chocolate will give me the boost I need....


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Rain, rain rain and a little bit more....

Fall/Winter is here. The rain is hard and sometimes arrives with some heavy wind. Tonight no wind just lots of rain. Good News...tomorrow is Friday and Saturday is supposed to give us a break with a few sunbreaks. Have a great weekend.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Very Tired

Not sure if that's the weather. Today was thick fog, steady drizzle, and it never got lighter than dark grey.

Or the time change. We put the clocks back last weekend and it seems to take me longer to adjust these days.

It's Hallowe'en - All Hallows Eve - this coming Friday, which means it's also Samhain in the north and Litha in the south - we wish all or Pagan and Wiccan readers a good feast. And a good All Saints' Day and All Souls Day to our Christian readers.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Things Come in Threes

Not having a good week so far...

Yesterday I discovered I've misplaced, probably lost, my library card, and they're a pain to replace.

Today I was hurrying for the bus - I wasn't running, honest, I was just sort of speeding up my walk a bit. And a kerb-stone leapt out in front of me and deliberately tripped me.

Well... maybe it was more that I was hurrying and paying more attention to not wanting to be late that where I was stepping and I fell over the kerb. In an effort to protect my bad shoulder I flipped right over and smacked my knee on the kerb. Ripping my jeans, bruising my knee, and grazing it so that it bled.

This left me with two options - go home for fresh jeans, antiseptic cream and a bandage, and be late, or carry on, be on time but looking like I'd been fighting a grizzly bear. Since the thing I was trying not to be late for was a hospital appointment I decided to go on - at least if I needed treatment I'd be in the right place!!

The appointment was for my yearly shoulder check up and brain scan - it's the eighth anniversary of my serious bike crash - they just like to check that everything is ok. (It was).

Eight years already... blimey. Where does time go...

Of course, I was on time but they were not. Good thing I took a book with me.

And Snow's not very well. She worried me on Sunday - she was off her food - and she loves her food!! The vet says she has a cold. He gave her a vitamin jab, and I've got some high-protein vitamin paste to feed her with so, even though she doesn't feel like eating, she'll stay well-nourished. Poor little mite. She doesn't feel much like playing either. She just wants to sleep. But the vet says she'll be fine.


Monday, October 27, 2014


I'm pooped. I'll let you get to reading.


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up

T and I didn't do to much. Few chores, watched couple dvd's and cranked up the fireplace. Heat will go on tonight. When the house slips down to the low 50's it is time for heat. Return to work in the morning. Long day as I will be waiting around on Monday's & Wednesday's for the kiddo to be done with basketball practice. That makes for very long days.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, October 25, 2014

More Lovely Rain

Movie night for me and E. First up is my choice of Belle, a period drama. Then E's choice brings a little levity from Jason Bateman in Bad Words. It's a perfect way to end a rainy day.


Friday, October 24, 2014

Another One

I am once again sickened and saddened by another useless shooting at a local high school. Amazingly enough in our country people still fear gun control...really how can that be? The lobbyist has full control and plays on fear, fear fear. Such bullshit. And kids continue to die. We have a local bill to vote on next week and one can only hope that common sense strikes.

A sad day one that totally should not have happened and yet it did.

4 kids are in critical condition shot in the head at close range, they will never be the same and sadly one died at the scene with the shooter. Here is hoping we can learn from the tragedy but how many times do we have to say that before it happens?

No more.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Rain, Rain, Please Stay

Lovely rain fell all day. Then just before it was time for school to let out, the sun made an appearance. How nice that the weather was so accommodating.

I think Max is slowly getting used to his new raincoat. He still doesn't like the rain at all but at least when he's wearing it he'll actually do his business instead of yanking you home. Perhaps by the end of our typically wet winter Max will learn to tolerate his walks in the rain.


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Stuff of Nightmares

It's Diwali, we wish out Hindu, Sikh, and Jain readers a good festival.

This weekend is the Islamic New Year - Happy New Year to our Muslim readers.


So... have you all seen those pics online of that giant spider in South America. With a 28cm leg span and weighing over 170g. That's the stuff of nightmares.

The bloke who photographed it - and who seemed delighted and excited by its appearance - said he "heard its footsteps before he saw it".

He heard its footsteps...

I'm sorry, but any spider big enough that you can hear its footsteps is not one I'm going to hang around for. I'd have been out of there so damned fast you'd have heard the sonic boom on Mars!!

Flamethrower. Kill it!! Kill it with fire!! I would have burned the whole bloody forest down to get it.

And on that happy note I'll leave you to your reading.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Blown Away

Yesterday we had a walk-in greenhouse. It consisted of a metal frame covered in a heavy duty plastic shell, which zipped closed. It was tall enough for me to stand inside. It was a bugger to put up as the plastic was a pretty tight fit.

Today we have a frame. The plastic is gone. It isn't ripped or torn & lying in the garden. Or in next door's garden. Or down the road. No bits of plastic lying around. It's gone. Vanished. Disappeared without a trace.

The gale-force winds we had last night have taken it.

How the hell they managed to do so without any damage to the frame is a mystery. How it managed to vanish without a trace is also a mystery. If you hear any rumours of a UFO being seen in England it'll be our greenhouse, flying along like a Zeppelin!!


E, mate, blimey - don't start apologising because I check a few sites! I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it. I'd check them anyway, looking for new stuff to read. OK - I probably wouldn't check all these fandoms, I'd probably limit my searches to my favourite fandoms, but I'd still poke about looking for things, just in case I found a new fandom to like.


Monday, October 20, 2014

Sorry Ze...

I might as well apologize now as Ze will find numerous updates for y'all tomorrow night. I on the other hand only check our usual sites and have once again only found a couple for you to read. So enjoy those and get ready for the loads Ze will send at you Tuesday and Wednesday.

Until than have a splendid evening.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, October 19, 2014


Kind of a busy weekend for us. Saturday we ran a few errands and drove little e to a birthday party/sleepover. The kids both had homework that filled a lot of their time.

Cal and I made a trip to the comic store today. E spent the afternoon visiting with old high school friends. And little e has been working on schoolwork since she got home from her sleepover.

Tonight Cal will continue with homework. He has a science project that's due on Tuesday so I've made sure he didn't wait until the last minute to complete it. That was always my fatal weakness when it came to projects for school and he has a tendency to do the same.

Monday evening he should be able to finish it up and get to bed on time.


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Fire Good

Not very cold and the rain has stopped, but that fire still feels good. I may have to turn on the heat soon. But holding off until mid to late October is great.

Enjoy those updates and have a splendid Sunday.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, October 17, 2014


Our Friday has been graced with lovely rain. Not a steady downpour but our usual drizzle. I even got to walk in it for a bit with a student. If our rain continues, tonight's sleep should be peaceful.

I'll let you get to reading.


Thursday, October 16, 2014


My favorite meal is by far breakfast, which means tonight's dinner (breakfast for dinner) is a favorite meal as well.

Here is hoping your day, week has been going well. Good News for some of us tomorrow is TGIF.

Enjoy those updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Language Choice

One of the things I forgot to mention last week, when I was chatting about searching on AO3 tags... there are a lot of fics that I don't report on because they are not written in English. Obviously, if you're reading our updates, you can read English. But if your first language is a language other than English, or you are fluent in a language other than English, you might like to check out AO3's other languages.

Go here and click on the drop-down for language choice, (there's even one - just one - story in Irish Gaelic), then scroll to the bottom of the page & click search. Bingo. There's your list. (Note - it brings up all stories in that language - not just femslash - you'll have to narrow your search for that.)

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Yukky Weather

Glad I weather proofed Snow's home. The weather these past two days has been dreadful. Talk about a torrential downpour!! Monday was appalling.


Monday, October 13, 2014

Fall is finally here!

Still no fire but today E got us ready for one. Wood has been brought in and the area in front of the fireplace is cleared out and waiting for heat.

Unless our weather takes a turn for the frigid we probably won't be starting a fire this week. Temps in the 60s and rain aren't cold enough for the mighty power of our fireplace insert. Soon though...I can feel it in my bones.

Tomorrow Ze will have a ton for you I'm sure. Enjoy the updates!


Sunday, October 12, 2014

Another Stellar Day

We had a clear weekend during the daylight hours and it was pleasant all around. My beautiful rain will make a full appearance this week, which could make work interesting and the driving commute hellish. Other than that just another week to go by.

Enjoy those updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Counting the days....

Fall has finally arrived. Yesterday the morning was warm and foggy. When I left school at lunch time the temperature had dropped and there was a definite bite to the air.

Today we had more of the same along with a little rain. It's not quite cold enough for a fire but I know we're close. Yay!


Friday, October 10, 2014


This week has been long, but they all seem that way now at work. Kinda sucks. Wish weekends were longer. Sadly they are not so I am off to start enjoying what I can.

Happy Weekend to all.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, October 09, 2014

Almost Friday

Tomorrow is a no kids work day for me. I plan on attending a seminar in the morning, meeting with a few co-workers at some point and getting all of my required online training out of the way. I'm looking forward to not being on my feet quite as much as I have been these past couple of weeks.


Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Searching for Fic

The routine of checking for updates goes something like this...

First - check all the official "sites we check". Next run through a few dozen sites/livejournal comms I have bookmarked - most of which haven't updated in a while - some for 5 or 6 years. Live Journal was once a bustling, thriving site, packed with fanfic communities. Then they "improved it". Nearly always a bad idea to fix something which isn't broken. They tried to turn it into facebook/twitter/blogger/hotmail. And consequently drove people away. That wasn't what LJ was for.

When I've done that I get myself another mug of coffee - you can't face AO3 without caffeine.

The good thing about AO3 (which puts it streets ahead of nightmare sites like FF.Net) is its tagging and search features. I search on tags. The first one I search for is "female relationships". It's safe to only check that tag once a week - the most there will be is 6 pages or so. (20 titles per page). Most won't be relevant because they'll be friendships, mother/daughter, siblings, etc. But there will be a few that are f/f. Most of those will be duplicated in my other searches but there's always one or two which aren't.

The next search tag is "femslash". Once again a weekly search is enough. Strangely it's not a popular tag. There will be maybe 4 pages. (20 titles per page).

The next search is using the tag "F/F". You absolutely can not leave that for a week. (I found that out the first time I started searching on that and swore never again!!) If you do leave it for that long there will be 60 or 70 pages to check. I check daily (8 to 10 pages) and keep a running thread on a doc.

You can't simply report every item listed though. Some people tag for f/f even when it's het or m/m. Some people tag for f/f if there's a very minor pairing in an otherwise het story. Sometimes the summary helps. If not, it helps to a) know the fandom, b) know the characters/pairings, or c) read the first bits of the story. I read a lot - and I mean a LOT of first chapters. Even in fandoms I hate or with pairings I dislike. Though I have to confess I've found some fairly good stories that way.

I've also back-buttoned very swiftly out of some truly dire ones. I don't report on those.

I don't report on genderswap either. To me those don't seem like proper femslash. Nor do I report on RPF - real person fiction. Although that can be flexible. If the person is living, or was living until recently then no. But historical fiction will have real people in it. If it's long enough ago that there's nobody alive to question the depiction then I don't mind. The Assassin's Creed story tonight for example. Both of the female pirates in that were real people.

I also don't report on incest, graphic rape, or child abuse.

Nor on loli, futanari, vore, tentacle hentai. There's plenty of that around for you to search for if you're so inclined. (If you have no idea what those are and you are of a sensitive, sheltered, or innocent nature - do yourself a favour and don't google them.

I don't report on underage (below adult but not young enough to be loli) because it can be illegal to even read things like that in some countries. Though there are blurred lines in my choices depending on fandom/country etc. and varying ages-of-consent. It's why I don't tend to list high school AUs - most are set in the USA and if I understand the US system correctly that makes the characters younger than 18 - the most common age-of-consent in the US. Not that I understand the attraction in high school AUs anyway - but they seem pretty popular.

I can be illogical in my selections. I'll report on things I don't like but which are good stories. I'll report on fandoms I hate - even if I have to read the story to check it's ok to use. But if the summary contains more than three grammar or spelling errors in three sentences it doesn't stand a chance. *g*. And if the summary isn't a summary but simply the writer being rude or obnoxious... not even going to bother to see if the story's worth the effort.

Well. That's me for this week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you/


Tuesday, October 07, 2014

The Nights Are Drawing In.

Aww. You're welcome, mate. I hunt for all these updates because I enjoy it.

And occasionally I find a great story, or a good, new-to-me, writer, or even a cool new fandom to enjoy.

Maybe tomorrow (when I have a bit more time) I'll give a description of the search process.

I spent most of this evening weather-proofing Snow's home. It's now wind & rain proof to the highest possible degree. Very necessary because the weather's been appalling for the past couple of days and is set to continue to be so for the rest of the week.

I bought her a nice new, fleecy, pet blanket too, what with the weather turning cooler as the days get shorter and the nights draw in. And I put it in her sleeping compartment with all the old, towelling-type blankets. I don't think she liked it much, because overnight she dragged it out of her sleeping section, down the ramp to the bottom half of her house, and dumped it into her food bowl. Ah well, ferrets like cool weather, maybe it was too warm & cosy for her.


Monday, October 06, 2014


Hype night with Claudia. I like that.
Wow! how time flies! It’s October already and time to settle down on those chilly nights with a good book. Except in California where you can read while sunbathing.

Bedazzled Ink is proud to offer unique and thought-provoking books and our latest releases reflect those goals.



epic- [ep-ik]- adjective:

  • heroic; majestic; impressively great

  • noting or pertaining to a long poetic composition of unusually great size or extent

  • Slang. spectacular; very impressive; awesome

  • “Everything” by Carole Wolf
    I’m not you, and I never wanted to be! Don’t you get it? I don’t wanna be anything like you! I hate you, and I wish you would just drop dead!” fourteen-year-old Myla Edmunds exclaims. Then the next day her mother dies and Myla is convinced she killed her.

  • Jolán Edmund’s friend, Rachel, tells Myla she didn’t cause her mother’s death, that there were factors for Jolán’s heart attack that went back years and years.

  • Unconvinced, Myla wants to know everything.
  • The Paths of Marriage by Mala Kumar

    Lakshmi, a bright student who grew up in poverty, marries and immigrates to the United States from India to provide a better life for herself. Clinging to her cultural realities, she forces her American daughter, Pooja, into an arranged marriage, creating a rift of resentment. Pooja’s daughter, Deepa, is an out lesbian to everyone but her family.

    Three generations of Indian and Indian-American woman navigate the harsh slums of Chennai to the bustle of New York City, struggling through generational differences to reconnect as a family.

    Watch the trailer:

    Order the book:

    Check them out and thanks Claudia for sharing. The rest of you enjoy the updates.

    Peace, Health and Happiness.


    Sunday, October 05, 2014

    The Weekend Wrap Up

    The Lily Allen show was fun. I wish the sound had been better...I'm not too keen on heavy bass drowning out the vocals.

    Today our day involved haircuts, grocery shopping and being slugs. Successful weekend accomplished.


    Saturday, October 04, 2014

    Calm Weekend

    The kind I enjoy. Today I finished (with Tamara's help) some of the summer jobs. Then a fairly relaxing afternoon and tonight we head to town to see Lily Allen. Tamara is a fan so she has been looking forward to it. Other than that the weekend should be a lot of downtime.

    Enjoy those updates.

    Peace, Health and Happiness.


    Friday, October 03, 2014


    It's been a tiring week at work...good but tiring. I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend at home.


    Thursday, October 02, 2014

    Thank you, Ze!

    It is a good thing she is around. Look at her updates and realize she is spending serious time finding you all some stories to read. She definitely puts in her time and I want to thank her.

    On a different note tomorrow is Friday....Yeah!

    Enjoy the updates.

    Peace, Health and Happiness.


    Wednesday, October 01, 2014

    Time Flies

    It's October.


    How did that happen?? I'll swear it was January last week...

    Come to think of it it was only a short while ago that everybody was celebrating the turn of the century and the beginning of the new millennium...

    How did it get to be October 2014 already??

    Soon be Christmas... *g*

    See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.
