Tuesday, August 27, 2013

War - What Is It Good For?? - Absolutely Nothing

Tomorrow is Krishna Janmashtami - the birthday of the god Krishna - we wish all our Hindu readers a good festival.

I have got to start my updating earlier in the evening. I usually wait until the match ends (football - we won 5-0 on aggregate) and then start checking my sites. This means that by the time I've finished the updates and am ready to add a ramble it's gone midnight and I'm too tired to think straight.

So I can't think of a thing to say.

Unless it's to rant about the fact that our government looks set to drag us into another costly and unwinnable war. And it's another one we have no business getting involved in. Yes - it's appalling what's being done in Syria, and yes, it does concern us in an abstract way because atrocities should concern us. But it's a civil war between two factions of the same religion, neither of whom has clean hands as far as brutality to non-combatants is concerned - and as history has shown us time and again there is no ending to religious conflict. Religious war - especially within the same religion - continues beyond all reason and sense. And outsiders who try to interfere get attacked by both sides.

Or I could mention that a silly girl did a silly thing in an attempt to shock - and got a tonne of publicity for it - most of it negative. And all of it one-sided. Except for this piece.

Or I could just go to bed...


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