Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Quest for Rain Boots

E and I are on a hunt for rain boots for little e. Rain boots aren't something I ever paid attention to in Oklahoma. It rains there but not on a regular basis so rain boots were not something we ever needed. Little e needs them, however, for school. And school starts Wednesday. The fun begins when you discover that none of the stores have their rain boot stock in. Fun!

I did buy a pair of rain boots for Cal. Target had Hello Kitty and Cars boots. Little e can't have any merchandising on her boots but for Cal it's kosher. I thought he'd get a kick out of finally getting to wear rain boots. I guarantee the first bit of rain we get he's going to want to put those puppies on and try 'em out.


Saturday, August 30, 2008


Today we had a tiny party for one 6 year old. New to the state with no friends to attend we tried to make sure he had as much fun as possible. Spent a lot of money and time at Gameworks, a very loud and entertaining video arcade.

To the birthday boy and my daughter's delight they had an area where one could win tickets that could then be traded in for other items of unknown value. These will perhaps last a week or so until they either break or realize they are nowhere near as nifty as they may have once may have imagined amongst the overly loud and flashing lights surrounding the booth of toys.

Now we are home and I need a nap desperately.

Down rambling and now you can get back to your updates. Enjoy 'em.


Friday, August 29, 2008

Long Weekend

I took today off, hence got to sleep in. That felt awfully good. I could get used to that. My daughter told me to buy a lotto ticket and then perhaps I could make it permanent. I wish.

We (Tamara and I) are off to take the kiddos swimming. She'll go in with them while I'm sidelined watching and reading a book.

So now your turn. Enjoy your updates!


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Not Enough Hours in the Day

E has gone above and beyond the call of duty by doing these updates. This is the first time in several updates that I've actually been around to check my links.

Unpacking the necessities continues. Cal's room is done and Duncan's room is on its way. E tackled the kitchen today but there's a ways to go. I'm ready for the kids to start school so I can work uninterrupted.

Enjoy 'em.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Actually I have been a bit under the weather so it has been fairly easy for me to click on links and get these updates out. However, Tamara has been swamped trying to get two kids settled in a new state and space, plus making sure they are registered for school and all the other fun stuff that moving has generated. Hence you all have been stuck with my ramblings.

With that in mind if you are feeling like sharing please do so! We always like rambles.

Back to your updates, enjoy 'em.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Seattle Rain

I may be the only really happy camper in my city about the cool and splendid weather we've been having lately, but oh well. Today was breezy, drizzly and cool. Perfect. Enough summer for me. Hope y'all are having a wonderful day/evening.

Small update, hence miss something yesterday you now have some time to get back to it. Remember, feedback is always appreciated.

Have fun!


Monday, August 25, 2008

The Truck Rolled In

Boxes, boxes and a few more boxes and did I mention 91 comic book boxes? It seems Tamara and family now have all their stuff with them. On top of all the boxes the minivan arrived as well, nifty. This should make the family outings a bit comfy.

At this point living amongst cardboard. But hey, we did get the boys beds with bedding all set up for tonight. They can officially sleep in a box filled room off the floor with familiar bedding.

So, now the unpacking begins. I personally think one more huge garage sale will help. So far no takers.

Large update tonight, so enjoy!


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ramble from Phair

More shared thoughts from Phair.
"Why do the dead keep sending you messages?"

Why indeed?

My niece e-mailed me the question last week. She was freaked out by something that happened to me. It was a something weird which occurred recently in a serious of weird somethings over the course of more than her lifetime. It is a good enough question to pose to a larger audience. Consider yourselves the larger audience. By the way, if any of you have a good answer then please let me know.

As I wrote before, my dog, Scout, died in the beginning of July ending a beautiful 11 year run as my best friend. Family, friends, and team mates at work were all very supportive of me during my loss. As were so many of you. Misery might love company but the hope generated by collective encouragement seems endless.

One of my co-workers was particularly touched by the events in my life. She had lost one of the two dogs she made her home with just weeks before my boy died. Last Wednesday, I arrived at work to find she had been and gone already. It seems her remaining dog was passing but his pain was excruciating and he needed her more than any job could need doing.

My team mates were quite somber as you would expect but they handed me a gift the woman had left for me and my puppy. It was three bandanas for my little Dakota. The woman used remnants she had in her sewing room and did not buy anything special. It was intended as a gesture of 'the thought that counts' and not something of particular value. She did not know then she was creating a priceless gift. The material's pattern was dog bowls with names on the bowls. Two of the dozen or so bowls, sitting side by side, were labeled Scout and Dakota.

My staff all thought it was pretty amazing which, in fact, it is; two random images next to each other representing my recent past and current dogs. But, it was a third bowl a couple of rows below the other two which drew my attention. It was marked, Tiny. Something the woman did not, could not know was Tiny was my very first dog. Ever. I got her for my sixth birthday. She died back in 1978. I never talk about her. Only a few of us in the family even remember her.

I phoned the woman at the moment she was trying to find the office number. She was alone and waiting for family. Her dog was so very sick and she didn't want to do what she knew she must. She talked. I listened. We cried. Our team mates cried too. I thanked her for my gift but I told her I thought the gift might have been intended for her too. It might be a message beyond randomness or coincidence; gentle tail wage from the infinite. I told her about the first dog and third name on the bandanas. She was quiet for a moment. "I have to put my dog down, don't I?" She finally asked but needed no answer from me.

"Why do the dead keep sending you messages?"

I don't really know. But I want to believe it is because love endures forever.


I'm not sure why either and, if you do have the answers, let us know! Good luck, all and Phair, once again thanks for sharing.

Enjoy the updates!


Saturday, August 23, 2008


I'm pleased because today I purchased all of Cal's birthday presents. His birthday is this Wednesday and I knew I'd have to scramble here in Shoreline to get ready for it. Sadly he won't have a big'll be just us after all. I know my mom is going to be very sad on his birthday. The following Saturday we're planning on taking him to a GameWorks for some fun.

Not too much to read tonight. Gives y'all a chance to catch up on those other big days.


Friday, August 22, 2008

Into the Weekend

Hope you all had a good week, now for some weekend fun! Enjoy.


Thursday, August 21, 2008


Took the kids to the Evergreen State Fair today. They had a good time and E and I are pooped. Enjoy those updates.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ramble from Slam

Another fun ramble, actually a spin off from Ze's fun ramble. Enjoy!
I read the boxer story to my daughter last night...

About a third of the way through, the oven timer went off. I stood up quickly, took one step, slipped on a magazine that was sitting on the rug, and fell in a belly flop on the floor. My daughter started cracking up and I mutter, "those boxers are so unlucky, they can't even be read about." I sprained my wrist and bloodied my lip. The oven timer goes off again, to remind us that dinner is now burning. I go to get the chicken out of the oven and there is a hole in the oven mitt. I burn my finger on the pan and spill chicken juice into the oven. I finally get the chicken out of the oven and spill more chicken juice on the stove-top. The whole time my daughter and I are laughing so hard that we have tears in our eyes, while gasping out, "damn boxers".

If you ever visit, please go commando...


Slam, thanks for sharing the fun! Let's hope them "damn boxers" have found peace in death, finally.

Enjoy the updates y'all!


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Waiting Game

Max arrived safely home last night around 9 pm. We took him for a short walk around the block and he settled right into bed. This morning the boys and I took him for a much longer walk so he could get acclimated to his new surroundings. When little e gets home we'll make a trip to 7-11 with Max in tow for Slurpees. Much to Duncan's disgust I told him he'll be partaking of our walks with Max every day. Considering how much he bitched about the hills I'd say he needs it.

The bulk of our day has been spent at the house waiting for UPS to deliver Duncan's Xbox 360. He got the red ring of death finally and had to send it to Microsoft for repair. We've been told the UPS delivery person must have a signature so we've stuck close to home. I'm officially ready for that trip for Slurpees.


Monday, August 18, 2008

Strangers in a Strange Land

Finally here in the rainy Pacific Northwest. The day we arrived they were in the midst of a heat wave. I'll admit it wasn't too hot to us. Just a little stuffy in the un-airconditioned houses.

Tonight Max (our dog) arrives. There was a mix up with the tickets and he wasn't able to get on the plane with us Saturday. I was quite upset but at least I was able to leave him with his pal Hoss for a few days and today the two moms took him to the airport. I'm sure he'll be happy to be here with us and get used to his new surroundings. This past week has thrown him for a loop.


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Ramble from Ze

Splendid another ramble. Be prepared to laugh, another day in Ze's life.
Cats in the Cradle...

...or up the curtains. Or something.

I knew it was going to be a bad day. Because I hadn't done the laundry.

Just lately I've been working a 45 hour week and then coming home and rebuilding my sister's kitchen. So I haven't had much time to breathe, let alone anything else. Which is why I got behind with my laundry. So when I looked in my underwear drawer there were only three pairs of boxers left.

Now, normally that wouldn't be a problem but this time...well...I'm superstitious you see. The first of the three pairs were my England ones; these are white with the cross of St. George on. That's the flag of England, (as opposed to the flag of the UK). I wear those to England national football or rugby games (with my England socks) and not as an everyday pair. I couldn't wear them without there being a game, it would be incredibly unlucky for the team. Trust me – they don't need any more bad luck.

The second pair were my Superman ones. They're blue with the superman symbol. I wear those whenever I have to travel by aeroplane. (I was going to say "whenever I fly" but coupled with "Superman" that might have lead to misunderstandings). I figured wearing those when I wasn't on a 'plane would jinx me the next time. And I already have more problems with customs and immigration officials than any one human should be required to deal with in a single lifetime.

That left the third pair. Pale blue with little green & red aeroplanes on them.

The boxers of doom.

Regular readers may remember them from my caravan cleaning adventure; or perhaps from the unfortunate incident with my favourite work jeans.

I stared at them for a couple of minutes. I couldn't be reduced to just these choices, surely?? I checked my sock drawer just in case I'd put a pair in the wrong place. No luck. I checked my shirt drawer. Blimey, that's where my Palm Pilot went. Been looking for that for days. But no boxers. Now what. Which set of fates did I want to temp?? The flying fate?? The sporting fate?? Or my own personal I'm-going-to-hold-you-up-to-ridicule fate??

I decided I couldn't tempt the sporting fate. If England lost their next game I'd feel responsible. After all, everybody knows it isn't the 11 (or 13 or 15) men on the pitch who affect the outcome – it's whether Joe Smith put his socks on before his trousers; Peggy Brown puts the milk in the tea-cup before adding sugar; and I wear the right underwear.

Similar reasoning led me to reject the Superman ones. If I wore them on an ordinary day and broke the luck I'd never forgive myself if the next time I flew the plane crashed and I died. Ah... that doesn't make sense even to me. It would have made perfect sense to my mother but then she was Irish.

That left the boxers of doom. It was with no small feelings of trepidation that I put them on. I kept telling myself it would be ok. After all, the two previous incidents had occurred at work, hadn't they?? And I wasn't going to work. There would be no dodgy jeans to split. No tiny rooms to get locked in. I would be wearing a nearly-new pair of dark blue 501s and my best black polo shirt. I was going to lunch with my sister. She was treating me and a friend of hers. Me because of all the work I'd done on her kitchen; the friend because it was her birthday.

I finished dressing and headed downstairs to grab my morning coffee. Cup in hand I left the kitchen intending to sit in the lounge. Unfortunately Reisen decided he wanted to get there first. The doorway to the lounge is not quite big enough for me and a very large Golden Retriever to pass through at the same time. He made it. I didn't.

Have you ever noticed how, when you're lying on the ground covered in hot coffee and groaning in pain, dogs think it's a new game?? And have you ever noticed how much a retriever drools?? And how much long, curly, light-coloured fur they shed when they're hopping from foot-to-foot in excitement at this new game??

Twenty minutes and a second shower later. I came back downstairs in my second-best polo shirt and a not-quite-so-new pair of dark blue 501s. But still wearing the boxers of doom.

I decided to skip coffee and head out straight away. I really should have taken heed of the warning. I should have gone commando.

I arrived at my sister's house a little before her friend. My sister offered coffee. I declined. Just to be on the safe side. Her friend turned up and we all piled into my sister's car & headed to the city centre. We were going to La Tasca. It's a tapas bar and restaurant. Expensive but fantastic. Great food.

The waitress (very cute – I got told off by my sister for flirting) brought menus, the menus are big, they take up half the table. She asked if we wanted bread and olives. Of course we did. She brought us a plate of mixed olives, a basket of bread and the usual olive oil and sherry vinegar. In the Spanish style we put a little oil and a little vinegar on a side-plate, mix them together and then soak a piece of bread in it. My bread was dripping on the menu so I pulled the plate a little closer to me. Unfortunately the table stopped before the menu did.

Cardboard menus aren’t very good at supporting the weight of a plate of oil, vinegar and bread. The olive oil was cold. I knew because it was now coating my left thigh. Why does liquid always quadruple in size whenever it leaves whatever it's contained in?? I jumped up and grabbed for some napkins. Bad idea. I caught the olive dish in my haste. Olives flew everywhere. I watched several bounce all the way to the door. My sister summoned the waitress and asked for a towel. I gave up trying to flirt. It seemed pointless as the waitress was laughing too much to reply.

I stood up to attempt to remove approximately half a litre of oil from my jeans and as I did so I watched idly as a waiter approached with my sister's glass of house red. I continued watching as his foot came down on two olives. I was still watching as he crashed noisily to the floor. I calculated the trajectory of the airborne glass. Oh-oh.

My sister's brand new silk blouse was a delicate cream colour.

I did the only thing I could.

I flung myself full across the table and took one for the team. Fortunately my second-best polo shirt is dark blue and so a glass of red wine soaking into the back of it was unlikely to stain.

The waitress brought me two more towels.

We finished the remainder of our dinner with no further incident. None of us wanted a desert. My sister’s friend hadn't said a lot throughout the meal. Maybe she wasn't much for conversation. Maybe she just didn't know where to start. But now she asked if we'd like to have a cup of coffee at her flat. She had some cakes for us as it was her birthday.

The cakes turned out to be those little things the French call "tartelettes aux fruit". They're a hard pastry case about 10cm across, filled with confectioners' cream (a cross between fake cream and vanilla custard) topped with various bits of fresh fruit; in this case strawberries, grapes, kiwi. I usually pick them up in my hand to eat.

We sat on the sofa and my sister's friend served the cakes on little tea-plates with a desert fork to eat them. I was filled with a sense of foreboding. I'm not good with things like that. While the friend went to the kitchen for the coffee, I began to pick the cake up and my sister hissed at me. "Don't you dare!! Be civilised". I obeyed and began to try and cut the cake with the edge of the fork. It was hard. I exerted more pressure.

The cake split. Suddenly. Very suddenly. And half of it shot off my plate like a runner from the starting blocks just as the friend came back. It curved through the air before landing with an audible splat, cream side down, on the carpet. Right beside the cat. (A large grey Persian).

The cat went from curled in a ball, fast asleep, to flying through the air, claws extended, with no intermediate stages. It sought comfort from its beloved owner and landed, claws first, on her chest. She screamed and dropped the tray of coffee-filled mugs onto the beautiful, pale-blue pile carpet.

The cat, startled once more leapt for the red-velvet curtains. As it ran swiftly up them you could see little pin-prinks of daylight, gleaming through the tiny holes its claws made. It had almost reached the top when there was a peculiar popping sound as the curtain-pole began to slowly and gracefully come away from the wall. Cat and curtains landed on my sister's friend's head.

The curtains were thick and probably pretty good at keeping traffic noise to a minimum but all the same we could still hear her scream. I was going to help her unwrap herself but as I reached her she shouted. "Out!! Get out!! You’re a walking disaster. Get out and don't ever come back!!"

We left.

It seemed best.

I burned those boxers last night. Tempting fate is never a good idea.


Ze, I'm glad you share these with us. We can all use the laugh.

Off to your updates enjoy!


Saturday, August 16, 2008


Waiting for the arrival and Tamara and the boys from Oklahoma. They got delayed in Denver with some nifty thunderstorms. So they will arrive a little later all wired and ready to go I am sure.

Now back to your updates enjoy!


Friday, August 15, 2008

Finally Friday

Long work week nearing a close. Tamara arrives tomorrow and I have a few more things to get done. I am thinking many will wait until early tomorrow morning when it is a bit cooler. As my city is in the midst of a heatwave and this duck is not used to or happy with the high 90's (36C), so I will go try and find somewhere cool to hang out.

Enjoy your updates.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ramble from Linda

Always a pleasure...take it away Linda!
Off to school they go!

Well, school begins Monday the 11th here in Tucson. Kids are groaning and parents are cheering. LOL. Ellie begins her junior year and Vickie starts 4th grade.

I had a quiet summer. The girls spent the entire summer with their father. The first two weeks I missed them and was bored out of my mind. Then I got used to the quiet and just read through a large stack of books I had been meaning to read but couldn't find the time.

Vickie finally got the chance to really bond with her father. Since Vickie was born after my sister and Marcus split up, Vickie only spent a weekend here and there with him. She is much closer to my brother Bill then with Marcus. Lately that has started bugging him. Bill taught Vickie to ride a bike, to play baseball and takes her fishing.

When the girls come home this weekend, I asked Vickie what they did. Marcus bought a WII and they play videos. Mostly Guitar Hero. Which explains her new t-shirts. AC/DC and Aerosmith. Vickie said she had the coolest time with her dad.

I do know that Marcus learn a thing or two this summer. Like you have to feed kids more then just junk food and meals that just include meat and potatoes. He called me saying that Vickie's plumbing (his words not mine) was backed up and what should he do. That's when I find out what food they were eating. I told him to get her a large bottle of 100% apple juice to start with. I said the girls need fruit and veggie every day. A salad with dinner would be good too. I told him the girls know this because that is what we eat here. But they saw a chance to got away with something they can’t do here and went for it. Junk food is fine to a point but not every day.

I'm glad they are back and off to school. Lol.


Thanks Linda! Now off to your updates, enjoy.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I miss it and sadly it will not be making an appearance this week. Seattle is once again reaching for those 90's. Mind you not to hot to many, but for us folks who love the rain and 70's this sucks.

Now onto your updates. Enjoy.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ready to Move

Yesterday I had a lot to do. It was the first day for the packers to be at the house and I was busy making sure I had the items I wanted to send ahead via UPS. Duncan and I were also kept busy unhooking electronics and bagging up cords. Junk drawers were sorted and bagged up . Today I had very little to do as the two gals who are packing up my house worked their asses off. Not that I'm complaining. It's really nice having someone pack for you.

We're spending one more night in the house. Cable (and our internet connection) isn't being shut off until tomorrow so I figured what the heck, let's take advantage of that and give my dad a day's grace from the disruption of his routine.


Monday, August 11, 2008

Packing day...not that kind.

Tamara is in her final week at home in Oklahoma shoving stuff into boxes. Fun. She doesn't think so. Hence I am in Seattle doing the update. You may have me a few more times this week than usual. But soon enough this update will be done from Seattle every day and I personally am looking forward to it.

Enjoy your updates.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Where does it all go?

Odd how time slips by on the weekends and then seems to creep so slowly during the work week. Lots to do and yet running out of time and most definitely out of energy.

So with no further whining, enjoy your updates!


Saturday, August 09, 2008

A lot to read today.

Have at it.


Friday, August 08, 2008


Does this mean we should all run out and buy lottery tickets? Well I'm just pleased that the weekend is here, perhaps now I could get in a nifty nap.

Enjoy your updates.


Thursday, August 07, 2008

Question for UE Readers

Dame Rhetorica emailed us with a question that we thought y'all would be better at answering.
Usually I'm an avid reader and resolute lurker on your list, but I'm writing now with a question. I wonder if either of you know how many GCLS award-winners appear online in one or another form. For example, I read a version of KE Lane's _And Playing the Role of Herself_ on the Athanaeum site, and I've noticed that it's also posted to the Academy of Bards. When I ran titles, I didn't find any of the other GCLS winners at the Athanaeum, and I ran out of time before I could check the Academy.

Anyway, I thought you and/or Uberetc readers might know. And I think it's cool that someone who posts work online has just won several literary awards.


Email away and share your knowledge.


Wednesday, August 06, 2008


I am hating our small mid-week heat wave of high 80s - low 90s F (26.67 - 32.2 C) weather here in Seattle which I hope ends tomorrow. However, Tamara on the other hand is enjoying her triple digits of heat in Oklahoma. (ewww)

Enjoy your updates!


Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Wake me when it's over.

I'll be so glad when this move is done. Enjoy 'em.


Monday, August 04, 2008

Ramble from Mary

Tonight Mary Griggs kindly sent in the results from the GCLS con.
The Golden Crown Literary Society held its latest literary conference in Phoenix this past week. Besides being an opportunity for readers, writers, editors and publishers of lesbian fiction to gather together, it was also a time to hone the writing craft at the various workshops and presentations. Check out the conference page at:

Additionally, they also give out awards to best books by, for, and about lesbians. Below are the winners of the 2008 Goldies were:

Congratulations to the 2008 GCLS Literary Award Winners

Lesbian Mystery
Dark Valentine, Jennifer Fulton, Bold Strokes Books
Redress of Grievances, Brenda Adcock, Regal Crest Enterprises
The Devil Unleashed, Ali Vali, Bold Strokes Books

Lesbian Speculative Fiction (includes SciFi/Fantasy/Horror/Paranormal)
Crown of Valencia, Catherine Friend, Bold Strokes Books
Queens of Tristaine, Cate Culpepper, Bold Strokes Books
Rebels' Quest, Gun Brooke, Bold Strokes Books

Lesbian Romance
And Playing the Role of Herself, K.E. Lane, Regal Crest Enterprises
Out of Love, K.G. MacGregor, Bella Books
Second Season, Ali Vali, Bold Strokes Books

Lesbian Erotica
Crave, Catherine Lundoff, Lethe Press
Erotic Interludes 5: Road Games Radclyffe, S. Seaman, eds., Bold
Strokes Books
In Deep Waters: Cruising the Seas, Karin Kallmaker & Radclyffe, Bella

Lesbian Dramatic General Fiction
In Broad Daylight, Jane Vollbrecht, Regal Crest Enterprises
Landing, Emma Donoghue, Harcourt
The Spanish Pearl, Catherine Friend, Bold Strokes Books

Lesbian Anthology (non-erotica)
Love, Castro Street: Reflections of San Francisco, Katherine V. Forrest & Jim Van Buskirk, editors, Alyson Books

Lesbian Poetry
The Human Line, Ellen Bass, Copper Canyon Press
The Islands Project, Eloise Klein Healy, Red Hen Press
Torch River, Elizabeth Philips, Brick Books

Lesbian Short Story/Essay Collection
Are There Closets in Heaven, Carol Curoe & Robert Curoe, Syren Book Company
Deep in the Heart - A Memoir of Love and Longing, Sheila Morris, Red Letter Press
Fried & True - Tales from Rehoboth Beach, Fay Jacobs, A & M Books

Lesbian Debut Author
K.E. Lane, And Playing the Role of Herself, Regal Crest Enterprises
Paula Offutt, Butch Girls Can Fix Anything, Regal Crest Enterprises
Jennifer Parello, Dateland, McKenna Publishing

The Ann Bannon GCLS Popular Choice Award
And Playing the Role of Herself, K.E. Lane, Regal Crest Enterprises

The GCLS Trailblazer Award
Katherine V. Forrest

The GCLS Director's Award
Nann Dunne

The Society is dedicated to cooperative effort to support and foster quality lesbian literature. Check out to join and for further information:


Mary thanks for taking the time and sending that in to us. Lots of good writers and books in that list. Something for everyone.

Now back to our daily updates. Enjoy.


Sunday, August 03, 2008

Two weeks to go....

My weekend is finally over and with it the going away party I was dreading. It was actually quite fun but that wasn't why I was dreading it. I absolutely hate saying goodbye. I did okay until I had to say goodbye to my aunt and cousin who drove up from Lawton. That's the last time I'll see them for awhile and it hit me hard. Thank goodness the kids spent the night away from home and I was able to indulge in some sadness by myself. Hard to keep up appearances in front of kids who are sad themselves.


Saturday, August 02, 2008


Enjoy your updates.


Friday, August 01, 2008

Weekend has crawled in....

Enjoy your updates.
