Friday, November 28, 2014

Post Turkey Day

My turkey day was a blur thanks to the onset of the allergy attack from hell. November and April are traditionally the months that will kick me in the butt with an attack. Fortunately daily allergy meds keep these to a minimum but a few times out of the month I'll succumb and sometimes they're like yesterday's.

If it hadn't been Thanksgiving I would have knocked my butt out with actifed and slept it off but there was food to be cooked so I sneezed and wiped my watery eyes and managed to make it through the day. I even enjoyed the food.

By 7pm, however, I was in bed and dosed with more allergy meds...enough to knock me out. I did sleep sneeze free but not deeply. Actifed can kick the attack but leaves me a bit wired. I woke up frequently and tossed and turned throughout the night.

This, of course, led to a wonderful night of sleep for E. Next time I'll try and sneak off to the couch.

Today we relaxed and went to pick up comics. We stayed far away from Black Friday madness and plan to keep it that way for the weekend.


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