Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Eight Legs - Bad.

It's Rosh HaShanah so to our Jewish readers, Happy New Year.

As for this part of England. Blimey, it's turned a bit nippy of an evening!!

The days are warm and sunny, but the season is definitely trying to do its "season of mists and mellow fruitfulness" bit. The evenings are cool to say the least. It's dropped to single figures (Celsius) after the sun goes down.

The hedgerows are full of blackberries.

And spiders.

I'm walking the long way round to get from the bus-stop to work. I am no longer cutting across the fields. There are about 50 million arachnids in the way.

OK, maybe that's a slight exaggeration. But only a slight one. Every single space between two blades of grass has a web strung across it. Those black-and-yellow-striped spiders, that are invisible all year round and suddenly appear in webs all over the place in September are back.

And I am not pleased!!


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