Friday, April 25, 2008


Another reminder for y'all.
Here's how conversations around Bedazzled Ink headquarters have been going lately:

Boss: Minions! Get in here!!

Minions: Yes, boss, coming.

Boss: I don't mind you hanging out in the back room and playing hooky every once in a while from your salaried work as long as we or some charity makes money off your "extracurricular" projects. What I do mind is getting a bunch of weird emails about this Xenaverse Scrolls thing.

Minions: Sorry, boss. But, ah, isn't that's a good thing?

Boss: Yes, feedback is always good. The Academy teaches that. But the problem is, these folks don't seem to get what the project is all about. They're missing the point of it, dad gummit! Do something!!

Minions: Um . . .well . . . we could . . .

Boss: Obviously they don't get that we're trying to record the Xenaverse phenomenon as a historical event, or they don't understand why anyone would be interested in reading about their participation in the Xenaverse.

Minions: Uh, yeah, we kinda noticed that too, boss. But we were going to tell them . . .

Boss: Don't they know there's a new generation of Xenites who weren't there when the Xenaverse was born? Those folks don't know how Xena: Warrior Princess was one of the first television shows that become popular because of the Internet and how unique the Xenaverse was back in the beginning.

Minions: Um . . . right, ah . . . that's our next plan, boss! We're going to remind everyone that the new Xenites and future fans of Xena comprise part of the audience for these books. Yeah, that's it . . .
and we're also hoping that they'll be curious enough to want to do their own research and contribute to the books.

Boss: Good. Make them see that this is everyone's big chance to write about their favorite author, favorite story, favorite Web site, favorite anything that has to do with the Xenaverse and have it published in a book for posterity. All those internet discussions in print!! How could they not be stoked by that, for Ares's sake??!!

Minions: Um, right, boss. Stoked.

Boss: So, minions . . . I have to tell you . . .

Minions: Um, yes, boss?

Boss: I'm pretty stoked about this exciting project of yours myself.
You might have a few extra dinars in your next paycheck. Now call up one of those Gods who owe you a favor or something and get the word out!!

Minions: [grinning like crazy] Yes, boss!

Minions: Hey everyone!!! [frantically waving]. Go to and be a part of the Xenaverse history so everyone else can read about all the fun they've been missing! Participation is definitely a free ticket to the Elysian Fields.

Check out the latest Bedazzled Ink Newsletter here:

Claudia Wilde

Thought I'd poke you again about this project. If you've got something to say about the origins of the Xenaverse, give the folks at Bedazzled Ink a holler.


p.s. Black Cherry's got a new web site: Check it out if you get the chance.

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