Sunday, April 13, 2008

Announcement from Phil

Take it away Phil!
Hi, Y'all...Oz here. Yeah, it's me again. So you know what that means. It's Challenge time. The Spring Bard Challenge is about to get underway. What? No, not diving. Spring B-A-R-D, not Spring B-O-A-R-D. Geez.

Anywho...if you love romance, desire drama, adore angst or crave comedy...The Academy wants you to come play. The Challenge is called "Personally Yours."

Yup, it involves writing a story around one of our 12 personal ads. And I think we covered a pretty wide selection of situations in that dozen too. Write a little, write a lot (well not more than 30 pages) and have fun with it. Deadline is May 24th.

You can find the info here:

Good Luck.
Phil - OZ

So there you have it. The Academy is having another fun challenge. Check it out and join in the fun.

Now back to your updates, enjoy!


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