Monday, May 22, 2006

Ramble from Minerva

Yeah, we're still here. Not much to report for Sunday so we skipped an update. Today, however, is an entirely different story. A big thank you to everyone who is sending site suggestions. it's Minerva's turn to talk.
I am an animal person. I always have been. Although, I did jump the fence as I got older from dog to cat. Now, I have to say that I straddle it, and I am the proud parent of three of the strangest beings in the animal kingdom. My beloved Legolas, the cat, hides in cabinets and jumps out when he hears someone close (we got a note on our door about excessive screaming by the bad it wasn't the good kind of screaming but I don't think the old lady next door can tell the difference anymore). He also sits in wait behind furniture for the dogs to pass by, and then out comes a paw swiping at their hind parts. Oh, I almost forgot, Legolas has an obsession with those little ties that come off the milk. He tosses it and himself up in the air as if he's on acid.

Sam, the Pug, barks at the wind, running water, other things that only he can see, licks carpet, and dances on the ground with his favorite stuffed toy every chance he gets. He also rubs his ass on my foot when it itches and looks at me accusingly when I try to shoo him away.

Lastly, there is Mookie, the other Pug and the dainty one. What can I say about him? Mookie is a vagina--i.e. pussy. He whines when the cat stares at him, and Legolas can stare for a long, long time. He whines when the TV is too loud, and he whines when he wants to get on the bed because my Mookie is afraid to jump. The strangest thing of all is that when Mookie eats (he has to eat alone for some reason we haven't figured out), he has to find his brother, Sam, bark viciously at him no matter what room he's in before going to enjoy his food.

I'm not done yet! We have a queen-sized bed. That seems to be ample space doesn't it? WRONG! When the pugs are there, one is on my head; the other is on my feet; and somehow they rotate until they are taking up most of the space in the middle leaving me with an inch of room. This is about the time the cat bounds up, kneads my skin until it's red and plops down like I'm a piece of furniture. I wake up with fur in my mouth, and not the good kind. What can I say? My life is full.


Minerva's fiction can be found here: And don't forget, her former Yahoo group has gone bye-bye but she's got a brand spankin' new one: Join it and give her some feedback.


p.s. Creme Brulee's site has a new url: Check it out if you're unfamiliar with her work.

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