Thursday, May 18, 2006

Another Evening is Upon Us and Yes Another Update!

Time for another ramble of sorts and then some nifty updates. First...welcome to Uber Etc. Hopefully a one stop shop for updates to Fanfiction on the web. If you see someone we have left out or a site that needs to be included, please email either one of the grunts and we'll do our best to include them.

Growing up and living in Seattle all my life I do need to mention today is the 26th anniversary of the Mt. St. Helens eruption--something that I will always remember. By mid day the sun was semi-obscured as the ash began to fall. This was truly one of those awe inspiring moments in life. It's good to reflect on them from time to time. Check out the webcam on the mountain today.

Now back to the regularly scheduled programming.

Enjoy the updates!


p.s. Announcement from Minerva:

Yahoo had the hiccups and deleted my group. Those of you who want to rejoin The Mindom can go to to do so.

Thanks so much,


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