Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mission Statement

Here at UE, Tamara and I spend time each day checking hundreds of links. Why do we do this? Because we like helping to connect readers with writers.

Do we ask for permission to link to these stories? Not usually. We figure if someone is posting a story on a free, open access website they're hoping someone reads it. We under no circumstances steal or change the story, we're only linking to and highlighting it for others to find easily.

Sometimes folks may not understand what we do and it's fine to ask. We're always happy to address questions and concerns. If a writer asked that their story not be posted at UE we would honor their wishes. But until we're told otherwise, we assume that if you've posted a story on an open web site it's a story wanting to be found and read.

So on that note I leave you with the stories people have freely posted for each of you to read. I'm sure they would be more than happy to have you leave them feedback. As for all you writers sharing your words freely, thank you and have a good night.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cheers, Elisa, and kudos to you and Tamara for trolling the internets, checking for new stories, and linking them to this site.

You also deserve credit for digital best practices. Your mission statement falls nicely in line with current and emerging intellectual property rights. As I understand what the laws stipulate, unless an author limits distribution of her online work via copyright or creative commons license , her text is a public document. As a result, as you explained, her work can be cited, linked, and reproduced, at least within the going limits of fair use.

Authors who don't like it should post on private, password-protected sites. And if they want others to ask permission before linking or quoting, they should visit and follow the directions for licensing their work.

That's my two cents, anyway, along with my ongoing gratitude.