Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap Day!

Every day has something of value and today is definitely no exception...a day that only rolls by once every 4 years. We got a little something extra this year. Here's hoping you all had the opportunity to enjoy it in some manner.

With so much of life slipping by unnoticed we each need to take the time once in a while and view the sidelines. Today offers us so much. We can blow it off but why? Something that happens so rarely should be looked at with awe.

Take your extra moments that you are given today and feel lucky to see another February 29th go by. May your evening be splendid.


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mission Statement

Here at UE, Tamara and I spend time each day checking hundreds of links. Why do we do this? Because we like helping to connect readers with writers.

Do we ask for permission to link to these stories? Not usually. We figure if someone is posting a story on a free, open access website they're hoping someone reads it. We under no circumstances steal or change the story, we're only linking to and highlighting it for others to find easily.

Sometimes folks may not understand what we do and it's fine to ask. We're always happy to address questions and concerns. If a writer asked that their story not be posted at UE we would honor their wishes. But until we're told otherwise, we assume that if you've posted a story on an open web site it's a story wanting to be found and read.

So on that note I leave you with the stories people have freely posted for each of you to read. I'm sure they would be more than happy to have you leave them feedback. As for all you writers sharing your words freely, thank you and have a good night.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Fresh out of words tonight. Good thing other folks weren't. Enjoy 'em.


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Spring in Seattle

Sure feels like it! The cool, usually damp mornings clearing off to the partly sunnier, warmer afternoons. The mornings seems to be starting much earlier as well and our light is holding out later each week. I do really like that. Extra hours of light is always dandy. Here's hoping you all are having a grand week. Got anything to share with us, please holler, we're always looking for rambles.

Enjoy your updates!


Monday, February 25, 2008


It's almost like I've been on vacation or something. E finally feels like she's even with me on days so I'm allowed once again to put words here. Sad to say they're not very exciting.

A big thank you to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday. It was a good day to turn 42.


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Weekend Closer

Another chore filled day. But accomplishments all around for me, so that was wonderful. Definitely making this one of the more productive weekends in a while. Tonight I have a few more things to complete, but then a nice relaxing evening. One will need that rest up for the upcoming return to work. Missing a couple weeks will lead to very full days ahead for me.

Here is hoping you all had a great weekend and the week runs well. Enjoy your updates.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Another Fabulous Day

The sun continues to shine with rain expected to return tomorrow. My yard is starting to show the work of planting over 400 bulbs in the fall. Spring must be close as things are starting to awake and loving the sun and rain mix as it seems to fall daily now. Did more winter clean up today and perhaps tomorrow get a bit deeper in the dirt if rain holds off. If not my desk and house can use the attention. Perhaps turn the heat off, open the windows air it all out with some loud music to create a cleaning frenzy.

On that note may you all have a grand Saturday or Sunday! Enjoy the updates.


Friday, February 22, 2008

Sunshine and Energy

Drug induced energy is good at this point. It feels nice to get out of the house and be human, even under a false reality. Sunshine was out and daughter and I got some chores done and even got down and worked in the yard a bit. Air...what a grand thing! Feeling like crap for few weeks catches up with the mind as well. Actually that happened on day one while Okie was here on vacation, but oh well, on to the new evening.

Here's hoping you all stay healthy and enjoy the little things around you! You never know what tomorrow brings.

Enjoy your updates and for all of you who have been sending me get well emails, totally appreciated!


Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Break

Small update tonight, hence giving you all time to catch up.



Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Happy Birthday, Okie!

Today is Tamara's Birthday. Why not wish her a good one. She has kept you all up to date with these stories while I continue to be sick, missing out on my own vacation scheduled with my daughter this week.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008


P&P updated. 'Nuff said....


Monday, February 18, 2008


I'm home and pooped. Enjoy 'em.


Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Week of Hell

Leaving for vacation with the punk-o-lunk tomorrow, right after dropping off my Oklahoma nurse at the airport. Here is hoping she stays healthy, I owe her big time. How often does one get to go to someone else's house to cook, clean and take care of them? Gee what fun. Good thing she loves me or she wasted a lot of time, money and energy in Seattle.

Warning...both Tamara and I will be on the traveling lands tomorrow, so the update will get here when it does...hence could be very late.

Enjoy 'em tonight!


Saturday, February 16, 2008

Small Night

E continues to rest and I continue to defy expectations and remain well. Go figure. Maybe I shouldn't be quite so hard on this little bug....


Friday, February 15, 2008

Nasty Little Bug

Yeah, it's back. Evidently this bug that's going around Seattle is mean. It hits, you feel crappy for a day or two, then you start feeling better. A day or two after that it hits again. It's been through little E's school and everyone who's had it reports a second wave of illness. We were hoping E would be the exception but, alas, it wasn't to be. Today, just as with the first onset, she was doing something totally ordinary and it came on suddenly, knocking her flat.

To top it all off, Calvin had a 24 hour bug that hit Wednesday night. Unfortunately for my mom he was spending the night with her when he got sick. He missed his Valentine's Day party at school but went back to school today, back to his old self. I'm hoping the Oklahoma bug isn't sneaky like the Seattle bug and he's really over it.

So...once again, send good thoughts E's way. She's extremely frustrated to be feeling poorly again.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Feeling good... seems just in time for this semi-business oriented holiday. The day created to make money. Today should be the day we as consumers choose not to indulge and perhaps wait 'til the day after and totally surprise those we love most.

What's also funny to me is this day is about showing we care for those around us, why not show that on many other days as well? Why the hell save it all for one day? The reality of life shows us that it can change in a heartbeat. I suggest on this Valentine's Day you do what you need to, however, make a pact to start showing those in your life (whether family, friends or lovers) that you care throughout the year.

A moment is only so long and it will never be repeated again. Take today and change the future. We all need someone as life is not a deserted island. In the end regardless of who we are each of our connections is important to this human race. So fine buy your flowers and chocolate, but don't let yourself give up the other 364 (this year 365) days of the year.

May this Valentine's Day find you well and to each of you, remember you are important and of value, regardless of who you are with today.

Life is a path for Truth and today is your opportunity to see yourself clearly on it. Enjoy wherever you can because, good or bad, tomorrow is another day chock full of opportunities.



Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Back to Work

We're back at E's work for the next few days. She's doing well but tires easily. Still no puke-a-thon for me. *knock wood* Let's hope it stays that way....

Send good, stomach settling thoughts E's way and enjoy the updates.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hype and a Puke-a-thon Update

After a fretful night, E is on the mend. She feels like she's been run over by a truck but has managed to keep water and food down. Sad to say tomorrow she must go to work. Nothing like being sick on your two days off.

The house has been cozy and warm. DVDs are plentiful and I've even managed to get dishes washed and a little laundry done. That makes E feel bad but let me tell you, it's nothing like the dish/laundry load at home. I've managed to rest a lot myself and get some reading in. Even with a sick best friend, it's been a restful vacation.

Now for some hype from Erin O'Rielly....
Intaglio Publications, Inc. is proud to announce the release of Deception by Erin O'Reilly.

By: Erin O'Reilly
ISBN: 978-1-933113-87-6
Price: $16.95

Available now at and StarCrossed Productions (

Lane Cuthbert knew exactly where she wanted to go and exactly what she had to do to get here. All she needed to elevate her status as an attorney within the legal network was a juicy scandal-or maybe even a murder. What she found was a beautiful woman with a secret.

When the sheriff charges beautiful and wealthy Bryce Clayton with the murder of Preston Garrett, Lane sees her chance at fame. The only problem is that Bryce won't say where she was at the time of the murder. Although Lane is able to discredit many of the district attorney's witnesses, she still has a problem-the alleged murder weapon belongs to Bryce.

Can Lane convince the jury of her client's innocence? Or will Bryce pay the ultimate price for her silence...

Listen to an excerpt from the book read by the author.

Enjoy the updates!


Monday, February 11, 2008

Bride of Puke-a-thon 2008

E has been felled by Puke-a-thon 2008. It came on quite suddenly this afternoon and she's not happy. Who can blame her? This is one nasty bug. She's currently sacked out on the couch with the handy trash can nearby. I'm hoping it's not as hard on her as it was on little E.

Wish us luck and send her good vibes when she's inevitably going to be informing y'all of my bout with Puke-a-thon 2008. Hope I can keep from taking it back home with me....


Sunday, February 10, 2008


We made it to Ikea. E is $350 poorer for it. I got out with a mere $50. It's probably good that there's not an Ikea close to me because I would surely be in that $350 group.

Of course, no trip to Ikea is complete without dining in the Ikea cafeteria. E loves their Swedish meatballs so we split a plate for lunch. It always amazes me how many folks avail themselves of the Ikea cafeteria.

P&P updated, which means you have a lot to read. Enjoy 'em!


Saturday, February 09, 2008

Hating Birthday Parties

My daughter once again was excited about an event on the weekend. However Puke-a-thon 2008 visited and once again she is not only feeling horrible but sad about missing something fun. It's hard to be sick and it's hard to have kids sick.

I can at least understand it and do my best about trying to get water in and sodium crackers. However, kids are tough to help when they are upset and so totally do not want to vomit anymore. It's been a long 24 hours and I am so looking forward to the sleep that was denied me last night.

Here be your updates, enjoy them.


Friday, February 08, 2008

Point me to the yo-yo aisle....

No Ikea trip today due to the fact that just about every US presidential candidate is going to be in downtown Seattle this evening. The thought of getting through Seattle traffic that's worse than usual (and believe me, Seattle traffic is bad enough already) wasn't appealing to either of us. Instead we'll be visiting a cool toy story to find a present for a Saturday birthday party. Being a big kid at heart I'm just as happy to go to a toy store as Ikea. Here's hoping it's far away from any caucuses....


Thursday, February 07, 2008

Home Away from Home

In Seattle for a little over a week. Had a fun time with E at work today. I accomplished reading and watching Babylon 5, all while E slaved away. More of the same tomorrow and a possible trip to Ikea. Fun!


Wednesday, February 06, 2008

In Flight

Tamara is off flying the friendly skies, or not as most of us have come to learn. So another update from Seattle today. Enjoy 'em!


Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Work has been a bit overwhelming lately and I am hoping for a break. Good news one is coming soon. Okie is making an quick visit to Seattle and I'm greatly looking forward to it.

So until then you have me for the next two days. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming. Enjoy.


Monday, February 04, 2008


Something cool for you Buffy fans to check out: Mark has one huge Buffy and Faith story posted currently but plans to post more. It's in doc format as a download. If you decide to grab the story (listed below) please send him some feedback. He'd love to hear what you think.


Sunday, February 03, 2008

February Already?

Time lately seems to be flying by. I'm still wondering what happened to January. I think no answers lie ahead until March, since February is looking mighty busy. Sure is making 2008 fly by.

Never fear your updates will continue. And please feel free to share with us rambles at will.


Saturday, February 02, 2008

Ramble from Carol

Yipeee....a ramble!
I've never sent a ramble before but I figure there's a first time for everything so here goes...

Why would 30 thousand people get up way before the crack of dawn to go stand in the snow and ice of a small town in Pennsylvania?

I don't know either but this morning I participated in such a magnanimous (tacky) event. Me and 4 of my co-workers drove 3 hrs to Punxsutawney, PA on Friday. We slept maybe 3 hours then got up at 3am this morning so that we would be able to actually see Phil the groundhog. I mean what's the point of going if you aren't actually going to see the rodent. We caught our shuttle to Gobblers Knob (yes, that is the actual name) at 5:30am. We made it to the Knob around 6am. Believe it or not we were some of the last people that made it to the actual event which didn't even occur until 7:25.

Needless to say we were glad for our multiple layers of clothes as we stood in the cold for around 2 hours to watch a 5 minute conversation between a man in a top hat and a groundhog just to be told that we'll have 6 more weeks of winter. It was a titillating experience for sure.

We made it home around 4ish and I'm cold and tired but I will admit that I had a great time and am glad I can say I actually saw this famous event. But next time I'm pretty sure I'll be watching from the comfort of my living room.

Happy Groundhog Day!!!


Carol, firsts are great...try for seconds anytime! Thanks and happy Groundhog Day to you as well!

Enjoy the updates.


Friday, February 01, 2008

Time Flies

Wow. It's February already. And to think I thought time flew when I was keeping track of the years by school and summer vacation.
