The weather was gorgeous. There was loads of sport on TV. Got the allotment dug over. And we went out for dinner.
On Saturday we went out with the kid's sister, she couldn't do Sunday because it was also Mothering Sunday (which is also Mother's Day in the UK) and she was expected at her mother-in-law's place.
Me, the kid (for new readers - she's my cousin, we share a house - and a birthday - but she's ten years younger than me), my sister, and my nephew, all went out for dinner on Sunday. We went to the tapas place. There was flamenco. And, by some miracle, nothing went wrong. I didn't break anything, fall over anything, spill anything, drop anything, nor cause anyone else to do any of those things. It was a lovely meal.
I got a fair few cds, a couple of dvds, and some books (you can never go wrong giving me books). The kid got similar things.
The clocks went forward on Sunday as well (we do like to save things up and do them all on the same day here). My body-clock hasn't quite adjusted yet. It'll probably take a week or so. When you've been getting up at the same time six days a week for six months, (and waking at that time on the seventh, because body-clocks don't understand Sunday lie-ins), it takes a few days to re-set itself. I don't so much spring forward as shuffle reluctantly into daylight.
You can tell it really is spring now. The daffs are in full bloom. The forsythia is starting to show. The bluebells are on their way, and there's celandine everywhere. Pretty.
Oh yeah, and the lambs are out in the fields and bouncing around. *g*
- BtVS
- Chapter 1 of Heroes and Villains by DreamSmithAJK (AO3).
- Chapters 1 to 3 of Death from Below 5 by Dr_Scarified (AO3).
(The) Devil Wears Prada
- Chapter 11 of Saving My Daughter by devildream69 (dvlwears-prada).
- Chapter 4 of Things You Just Can’t Do by brithna (dvlwears-prada).
Doctor Who
- Cold Blooded Passion by NilioJ13 (AO3).
- Chapter 11 of Bet on Love by grumpyhermit (The Treasure Trail).
Marvel Comics (616)
- Stars and Gripes by sariane (AO3).
Mass Effect
- Communications Specialist by Dr_Scarified (AO3).
Once Upon a Time
- Chapter 3 of Awakening by regalish (regina-emma).
- Chapter 11 of The Truth Doesn't Always Reveal The Answers by InherentlyGray (AO3).
Orphan Black
- Je l'aime, voilà by kiarcheo (AO3).
- Chapter 1 of A Tale of Two Hearts by A_rav (AO3).
(The) Silmarillion
- Chapter 15 of A Time To Love by Solanaceae (AO3).
- The Princess and the Star by Beleriandings (AO3).
Sanctuary/Stargate SG-1
- Carentan (Part 11 of Heaven Haven) by Ten9 (Area 52).
Teen Wolf
- Ghost of a Smile by claudine_v (AO3).
Tomb Raider (game)
- Chapter 4 of What Binds the Soul by sniperct (AO3).
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